3 EASY Steps To Starting A Diet

3 EASY Steps To Starting A Diet

What a daunting subject every it is thought about hey?

As someone who has competed in bodybuilding and gone to the extremes with dieting the thought of going back to it now, post comp is not an easy task.

Recently I have began to clean up my diet again, but not without some difficulty!

I introduced 3 methods that have worked well for me so i thought I'd share, I mean isnt there already enough "secret" diets and pills in the fitness industry now without me making it harder LOL

Step 1: Have An End Goal

As I said about it being post comp and now I struggle, when I knew that my competition was 18, 13, 8, 2 weeks away I saw light at the end of the tunnel and knew it wouldn't be forever.

For someone who doesn't such a prominent goal you may have to set something smaller and more achievable before rewarding yourself like, lose 2kgs in 6 week then go out for dinner, hit my protein goal Monday to Friday then have my favourite icecream Saturday night. It doesn't matter how small the change or reward, just make sure you have something.

Step 2: Be Prepared

As I began steering away from my designated macro and calories goal the variation in my diet increased greatly to the point where, like a lot of people as I drove home after work in the afternoon  i had no idea what I would be having for dinner in 32mins time.

Know the macros you need to hit and plan your meals around that, and I don't mean as you go I mean as your organise your week, setting up your to do list, don't neglect this new goal just because it doesn't feel as important YET


Step 3: Make It EASY! 

We are all lazy shits when it comes to trying to form a new habit, constantly looking for the easiest, quickest way to get something done.

My recommendation to you all is to stop trying to be so creative with your meal preps, ditch the grocery shop and just start by grabbing yourself a week worth of ready made meal preps so that they are easily trackable and most of the time taste pretty damn good with a bit of salt and your choice of low calories sauce.


So I hope this brought you all some value and insight into how to just get started with your next diet.

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